May 26, 2024
So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11
God has ordained seasons for a reason. One of these seasons is spring. Spring comes after the coldest season of winter. Different parts of the world have a version of spring—a time of blooming usually following a time of dryness. During spring, the land turns green. Plants come alive and flowers bloom. Fields that had turned brown during dryness or winter become transformed.
There are seasons in our lives as well. And just like the seasons of our planet, the seasons of our lives are directed and orchestrated by God’s hand. And when God wants to help you and bring you into a new season, He sends a word. “He sent His word and healed them”.
God may send His word to you directly, or through an outside source such as a preacher. But always, God’s word will have its root in Scripture. When this word comes, we need to be alert so as not to let it slip away. And for God’s word to take root and cause a true change—the kind of change that can completely change your season and rewrite your experience—you should take three important steps.
First, you should seek to unpack the meaning of the word. You can start by simply looking up the meaning of the word in the dictionary or in the context of Scripture. For example, according to the Merriam-webster dictionary, to be in bloom means to be in “a state or time of beauty, freshness, and vigor”. And to bloom means to “mature into achievement of one's potential” or to “flourish in youthful beauty, freshness, or excellence.” It also means simply “to shine”. Doesn’t this completely change how you would approach this word? Doesn’t this open up the depth, meaning and potential expression of this divine word in your life?
Next, you must meditate on this word. To meditate simply means to think deeply and intentionally about a thing—an idea, a thought or a concept. Spend quality time thinking about the scripture for the word. Think about what it means for you—what it may look like in your life. Meditating on God’s word for you does not have to spooky or weird. Just continue to hold the thoughts of the word in your mind. As you do that the word becomes more rooted in your heart and goes past the place of just a mental understanding. At this point, God may even start to reveal newer and deeper dimensions of the word for you.
Now, you are ready to pray about the word. Realistically, you would have been praying about it from the first time you receive the word. But your prayers can become even more effective as the word has taken a stronghold in your heart. You are not just praying randomly, but you are praying for the expression of the word in your life. Praying also helps you push through any resistance—internal or external—to the fulfillment of that word for you (II Corinthians 10:4) Pray relentlessly, holding on to God’s word for you. And just like we read in our anchor text, God’s word will indeed fulfill its purpose in your life and come to reality.
Today, there is a word for you to bloom. This word can transform you. Receive the word, investigate it’s meaning, meditate on it and pray it through. And it will come to pass in your life. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Song of Worship
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path
Thy Word. Song my Any Grant
Prayer - Dear Father, I look to You for the word for my specific situation. And as I embrace the word for a new season and a time of blooming, help me to do what I need so that this word takes root and bears fruit in my life. I enter into a season of blooming today in Jesus name.
Bible in 1 year: 1 Chronicles 28-29; John 9