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Embracing Fulfillment: Believing God’s Word for us

December 17, 2024

"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it… "


- Genesis 1:28 KJV

From the very beginning, God's intention for humanity has been clear: fullness.  The term "replenish," as used in Genesis 1:28, translates to "ma-la" in the original Hebrew, meaning to fill or be fulfilled. This concept not only refers to populating the earth with offspring but also implies a sense of fulfillment. And just like with "Ma-la", God’s desire is to bring fulfillment to the promises He makes – He aims to fulfill every word He has spoken.  

But even though God’s will for us His children is to realize the fullness of His promises, it is still common for us to struggle with believing that the words God has spoken over us will come to pass. Often, the distractions of life seem more evident than the trustworthiness of God's promises. Yet, His track record is flawless. Since creation, He has been committed to fulfilling His words, and He will continue to do so in our lives if we trust Him. 

One of the greatest challenges we face is remaining steadfast in faith, especially when circumstances appear to contradict the promises we hold dear. In these moments, we must remember that God’s word is reliable. Isaiah 55:11 assures us: “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” This should reassure us of God's commitment to fulfilling His words. 

We need to prioritize God's words over our lives and situations more than anything else. It is essential to be intentional about believing the report of God, as stated in Isaiah 53:1. 

Today, let us be reminded of God's goodness and integrity. He is not like any man we know; He does not speak empty words. He is committed to the fulfillment of His promises. If He has spoken a word over your life, whether it’s a promise of provision, healing, or restoration, etc., He will bring it to pass. Our role is to trust Him completely, believing that the unchanging God is as committed to His promises today as He was at the beginning of time.  

Song of Worship  

He has promised He will never fail 

I will follow Him, I will follow Him 

He has promised He will never fail 

His faithfulness is forevermore.  


Prayer - Thank You, Lord, for your faithfulness. Thank You because You can be trusted. Thank You for Your commitment to fulfilling all You have promised. In the face of the difficulties of life, please help me prioritize my faith in You and be confident about what You have said to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen 


Bible in 1 year: Obadiah; Revelation 9  

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