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God’s Positioning System

March 15, 2025

"Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth" 


- Psalm 46:10 (NKJV) 


There was a man of God that was on his way to an event. While on the way to the destination, he was met with traffic. Stand-still traffic. He turned on his GPS even though he knew where he was going. Suddenly the GPS system told him that he could turn-off the road for an alternative route, however, the GPS also told him that he was currently on the fastest/shortest route for where he was trying to go. The GPS system was getting its information from something higher than where he was. He was in the middle of the traffic and could only see the traffic, but the GPS was looking at the route from a higher perspective. What may have felt like it would be a delay was still the shortest path to get to the destination! 

You may think that you are stuck, or you are behind in life or that you need to deviate from a path to achieve what God laid on your heart. But you may still be on the fastest path for what God has for you.  God’s perspective is always higher and provides more accurate direction than ours. 

In Galatians 1:18 and Galatians 2:1, Paul writes, that after he was called by God to be an emissary of the Truth of Jesus Christ, he had to wait…3 years initially, then he waited an additional 14 years. Being delayed is not the same as being denied!  

Being delayed is not the same as being denied!

David made preparations to build the temple of God, and had gathered all the resources to build the temple – he worked hard to fulfill a desire that was both God’s and his own… gold for the things of gold, silver for the things of silver (I Chronicles 29:5), yet David was told by God he would not be the one to complete the task. David was denied the request to build God temple, but it did not turn his joy to sorrow – he purposed to help prepare for the person that would complete the vision. 


The joy that the promise was going to be fulfilled made him give all these things even though he had to die without seeing the fulfillment thereof. David was denied from building God house, Paul was delayed in the timing of his ministry to building God Kingdom – both were pleasing to God and gave Him Glory.  

There are many things we do not know and cannot see from our perspective. God sees all and not only can He direct us aright, but His direction is also working out a greater plan for the greatest good than we can ever imagine.  

Lift up your eyes today and know that the calling and the purpose of God for you, is in Elohim’s hand to accomplish it. So, hold on in faith.  

It is in these times, when things seem to be taking longer that you need to be still and know that He is God. You cannot control the traffic that may be in your way, but you can be still and trust the One who put you here—the same one Who has the ultimate perspective and power.  

In your waiting, praise. In your waiting, worship. In your waiting, give of your time and resources. God is the master planner and even in what can feel like delay, He can help keep your mind in perfect peace. 


  Song of Worship 

He’s in control,

He’s in full control

Master Jesus, you are the Most High 

He’s in Full control – 2x 

Prayer -  Dear Lord, help me to live according to your will and plan for my life. Today I give you full control over all the areas of my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 


Bible in 1 year: Deuteronomy 28-29 

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