MARCH 22, 2024
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name. - John 1:12
What is Restoration? It is the process of reinstating, to bring back to original form, and to re-establish. The Bible says, God has made us sons already so what we want to discuss about is the restoration that makes us function as Sons of God, restoration into functionality.
God wants to restore us to a position of power and authority. John 1:12, says, “But as many as received him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” Power has the dynamic ability to cause changes. To make great strides in life power is required. For us to operate as gods on earth, for us to perform excellently in business, career and other areas of our lives, power is a must have. The power to become is about God trying to restore us to a position where we can operate in His power on Earth.
In Esther 8:7-8, the king took the ring from Haman and gave it to Mordecai. Mordecai then became Deputy Assistant Prime Minister. There was an order in the land at that time to annihilate the Jewish people.
The king did not rewrite that order, instead he called Mordecai and Esther to rewrite that law and put the king’s name on it. Mordecai then acted in the capacity of the king and rewrote that order. “Ring” in the bible, refers to power and authority. When you see that order, you won't see Mordecai’s name on it but the king’s name.
This is how God wants to restore us. He wants us to occupy a position where we can do things as though God is the one doing it. It is my prayer that we shall operate as gods on earth in Jesus’ name.
Psalms 66:3b, says, ‘So great is your power, that your enemies cringe before you.” We might say we do not have enemies, but poverty is an enemy. We need power to overcome poverty. It is God that gives us power to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18).
This is how God wants to restore us. He wants us to occupy a position where we can do things as though God is the one doing it.
Restoration into sonship means we are being restored into positions where we operate in the power and authority of God who has called us. Rising and falling is an enemy. Going in circles is an enemy. We need power to overcome it. God will restore us to a position where we would function in the power and authority of the Holy Ghost.
Fame is about influence, for us to be influential in every area of our lives, in our cities and abroad, we need power. Jesus needed power, so we would need power. He needed power as a man so He could fulfill His purpose on earth. In Luke 4: 1 – 14, we see how Jesus was led to be tempted in the wilderness. After the wilderness experience, He came in the power of the Spirit and His fame went abroad.
To succeed and accomplish good acts in our lives, we need power. For us to operate in this world, we need power. For us to fulfill the reason why God created us, we need power.
Song of Worship
Jesus, we enthrone You, We proclaim You as King. Standing here in the midst of us
We lift you high up with our praise. As we worship, build Your throne – 3x
Come Lord Jesus and take your place
Prayer - Oh Lord my Father, today I ask that your Holy Spirit fills me afresh and endue me with power to function in my God-given capacity and fulfill my God-given purpose on earth. Help me to remain focused on you, Lord. Restore unto me the joy of my salvation and keep me from evil in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen
Bible in 1 year: Joshua 14-15; Luke 1