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The Practice of Fasting

September 12, 2024

"They say, “We fast to show honor to you. Why don’t you see us? We starve our bodies to show honor to you. Why don’t you notice us?” But God says, “You do things to please yourselves on those special days of fasting. And you punish your servants, not your own bodies. You are hungry, but not for food. You are hungry for arguing and fighting, not for bread. You are hungry to hit people with your evil hands. This is not the way to fast if you want your prayers to be heard in heaven! "

- Isaiah 58:3 – 4 (ERV) 

Our Bible text for today indicates that fasting simply for the act of fasting is insufficient. Rather, it is important to carefully think about how we fast. Our motives, behaviours, spiritual and heart posture, and practices during fasting determine the effectiveness of our fast.  

Today, we will look at how to fast effectively so that we can truly reap all the benefits and blessings of fasting. First, as highlighted in past devotionals, we must always remember that the essence of fasting is to minimize pleasure and seek the face of God. Fasting should be seen as a time to feast on The Lord rather than feasting on food. A time to bask in His presence and to look up to Him for strength, spiritual renewal, power, and guidance.   

Effective fasting must be accompanied with prayer; fasting without prayer is a hunger strike.

Fasting is also a time to closely examine our behaviours, demeanours, and the way we treat others. To fast effectively, it is important to get rid of all forms of wickedness. Engaging in negative behaviours like being unkind to others, holding grudges and acting maliciously while fasting diminishes the effectiveness of our fast. If we claim to be humbling ourselves before God and putting our flesh under control as we fast, then we should naturally exhibit the fruits of the Spirit such as love, joy, kindness, and gentleness in our interaction with others. In line with this, we are encouraged to maximize good deeds by giving to the needy and checking on one another when we fast.   

Effective fasting must also be accompanied with prayer. Fasting without prayer is a hunger strike. We must devote ourselves to humbly seeking God’s face in the place of prayer when we fast. Jonah 3:8 highlights the spiritual posture we should take when fasting – “everyone is to call on God earnestly and forcefully that each may turn from his wicked way and from the violence that is in his hands.” Reading and meditating on the word of God should also be key practices when fasting.  

As we continue to fast and gear up for the Jesus is Lord Service, may we all remember to take intentional actions to limit distractions and pleasure-seeking activities and replace those with actions that draw us closer to God. Fasting is not truly effective if we remain the same. There needs to be tangible evidence of the effects of fasting in our lives.  

As seen in yesterday’s devotional, the potency of fasting can lead to great miracles, answered prayers and deliverance. However, the primary goal of effective fasting is to cause a transformation from within us. It is not sufficient to fast solely for the purpose of ‘earning’ answers to prayers. Rather, a question to ponder on is: how well are we fasting?  Can we see a tangible transformation because of our fast evidenced by an increased connection to God and increased ability to control our flesh and its many desires?  

Song of Worship  

All I need is You 

All I need is You Lord 

Is You Lord 

All I need is You 

All I need is You Lord 

Is You Lord 

Song All I need is you by Hillsong

Prayer - Dear Lord, as I continue to seek your face through fasting, may I experience a transformation from within. A transformation in my motives, character and actions until I become more like You, Jesus. – Amen.


Bible in 1 year: Proverbs 16-18; 2 Corinthians 6 

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