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Worship: A journey to the heart of God

February 17, 2025

"But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

- John 4:23-24 (NKJV)


Worship transcends mere songs, routines, or elements of a church service. It is an intimate connection with the heart of God. For many Christians, the focus of their spiritual lives often leans toward what God can do (His hand) rather than who God is (His heart). While prayer reveals God’s power, worship unveils His character. 

God is not in need of more worship; His presence is surrounded by worship in heaven. Instead, He seeks true worshipers – those who will worship Him in spirit and truth. To become a true worshiper, we must shift our posture and embrace a deeper intimacy with Him. 

In John 4:23-24 (NLT), Jesus imparts a profound truth: God is seeking those who will engage with Him genuinely. Worship is not about performing rituals or merely singing songs; it is about connecting with God on a heart level and aligning our spirit with His Spirit. 

When we worship, we enter a sacred intimacy with God. It is in this space that we come to know His character, love, and unwavering faithfulness. As Psalm 103:7 (NLT) reminds us, “He revealed His character to Moses and His deeds to the people of Israel.” While the Israelites witnessed God’s mighty acts, Moses experienced the depth of His heart. 

Worship is about connecting with God on a heart level and aligning our spirit with His.

If you only recognize God's hand (His acts), your faith may waver during challenging times. However, knowing the heart of God allows you to remain confident in His love and plans, even when life seems chaotic. 

The depth of your trust in God is closely tied to the intimacy you cultivate with Him in worship. Psalm 22:3-5 illustrates how the trust of Israel’s ancestors was grounded in their worship of God. True worship goes beyond simply lifting our hands in service; it involves surrendering our hearts, fears, and desires to Him. When you worship in spirit and truth, your trust in God deepens as you become increasingly aware of His nature – His goodness, faithfulness, and unchanging character. 

Jesus distinguished between true worshipers and those who worship falsely. 

True worshipers engage their spirits and hearts. This requires focus, intentionality, and a longing to know God for who He is, rather than merely for what He can provide. 

False worshipers, on the other hand, honor God with their lips while their hearts remain distant – Matthew 15:8-9. 

When you understand the heart of God through worship, you can maintain confidence in His hand, even when circumstances appear unfavorable. The Israelites often doubted God despite witnessing His miracles because they lacked a true understanding of His heart. 

Knowing God’s character enables you to trust Him during waiting seasons, storms, and uncertainties. Worship anchors you in His love, empowering you to declare with confidence, “I will see the goodness of the Lord” (Psalm 27:13 NIV).  

  Song of Worship 

I love You, Lord

Song by Laurie Klein


Prayer -  Lord, I want to be a true worshiper who seeks You with all my heart. Help me to change my posture and position to engage with You in spirit and truth. Reveal Your heart to me in the place of worship so that I may know You more intimately. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


Bible in 1 year: Leviticus 23-24

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